bexley garden centre
bexley garden centre

- Stock up to keep warm with logs, coals and Calor gas.​
- Have your rock salt & snow shovels on stand-by.​
- Keep fleece handy to protect Camellia bubs and flowers from frost if forecast.​
- Deadhead winter bedding.​
- Prune dogwood and willows down to the base to promote vigorous new growth.​
- Buy shallots, onion and garlic sets for planting.​
- Start to plant your roses.​
- Stock up to keep warm with logs, coals and Calor gas.​
- Have your rock salt & snow shovels on stand-by.​
- Order your seed potatoes.​
- Cut down ornamental grasses before the new shoots appear.​
- Invest in a heater propagator to make early seed sowings.​
- Spread a top dressing of gritty loam based compost over your lawn.​
- Remember to feed and house your garden birds.
- Clean greenhouse glazing to let in more light.
- Sow greenhouse crops including melons, peppers, okra, tomatoes and cucumber.
- Treat paving and gravel areas with path weed killer.
- Mulch around established shrubs with compost.
- Plant potatoes on the veg plot or in large patio pots.
- Apply high pot ash feed to fruit trees and bushes.
- Stock up on pest control insecticides.​
- Plant new hardy perennials.
- Cut back your Hydrangeas.
- Plant Asparagus Crowns and Globe Artichokes.
- Chit your early potatoes.
- Mulch boarders to retain soil moisture.
- Remember to feed and house your garden birds.​
- Care for Christmas Tree – cut off 2cm from the trunk and scar the bottom,
thin out the crowded branches at the bottom of your tree, keep your tree
topped up with water and out of direct heat.
- Buy your Christmas plants – poinsettia, Amaryllis, Christmas Catcus,
Christmas Cherry, Cyclamen, Azaleas and Orchids.
- Stock up to keep warm with logs, coals and Calor gas.
- Have your rock salt & snow shovels on stand-by.
- Fleece tender plants from frost.
- Line greenhouse walls with sheets of bubble polythene.
- Dig over bare soil so the frost will kill off dormant pests.
- Stock up on fireworks!
- Place bricks under pots to prevent water logging.
- Prepare site for planting hedging trees and shrubs.
- Move wrongly positioned shrubs.
- Re-pot shrubs into larger pots.
- Spike lawns to improve drainage.
- Fix wobbly fence panels and posts.
- Dig in mulch and mix and or manure to improve soil.​
- Fix wobbly fence panels and posts.
- Repair worn tree ties.
- Prune roses that are not carrying displays of hips.
- Plant autumn onion sets.
- Tidy fallen leaves – invest in a leaf rake and autumn tidy bin.
- Feed your grass with autumn feed.
- Plant wall flowers.​
- Feed tomatoes every week with liquid fertiliser.
- Keep hydrangea flowers blue using colorant granules.
- Keep path weed free.
- Stock up on pest control insecticides.
- Stock up on any irrigation systems including water butts and watering cans.
- Trim topiary and box edging.
- Keep in the shade and invest in a parasol.
- Stock up on your summer BBQ charcoals for those sunny days.
- Continue feeding lawns to encourage strong growth.
- Stock up on any irrigation systems including water butts and watering cans.​
- Keep in the shade and invest in a parasol.​
- Stock up on your summer BBQ charcoals for those sunny days.​
- Feed tomatoes and peppers with a high pot ash fertiliser.​
- Prune fruit trees.​
- Use shade netting to protect plants from scorching.​
- Cut back plants that hang over the edge of lawns so they don’t kill the grass.​
- Remove suckers from around shrubs and roses.
- Fix wobbly fence panels and posts.
- Repair worn tree ties.
- Continue feeding and watering hanging baskets.
- Use fungicides to prevent mildew.
- Start planting your spring flowering bulbs.​